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  • Thinking of winter accessories, the first thing that everyone thinks of is scarf. Understanding this mentality of everyone, designer La Pham has designed a scarf printed with brocade patterns - produced entirely by hand from artisans of Mai Chau weaving village. The scarf is representative of the harmony between modern and classic features. Impressive brocade pattern with the symbolism of bird motifs representing joy and abundance of crops stands out on the red background of the scarf combined with pom-pom and small hooks. The shape of the scarf has transformed traditional hand-woven fabrics into a trendy product that still carries the folklore soul.

    Reversible Scarf

    Farbe: rot
    • Hand weaving Brocade and Velvet materials

      100% sustainable and ethnical fashion product

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    Frauen stärken Asien

    Ein Projekt von KIBV (Keep It Beautiful Vietnam) zielt darauf ab, Frauen und Mädchen in Minderheiten-Weberdörfern in Vietnam zu stärken. Dies ist auch eine Plattform, um nachhaltige textile Stoffe und Produkte mit hohen Qualitäts-, Umwelt- und sozialen Werten zu fördern.

    E-Mail :

    Adresse :

    - 286 Nguyen Xien, Thanh Xuan

    Ha Noi, Vietnam

    - Maschinenstrasse 11, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz

    Telefon : +41 76 592 88 56

    +84 218 855 207

    Frauenförderung Non-Profit-Organisation

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